Saturday 14 November 2009

Thriller Analysis: The Godfather (1972 Francis Ford Coppola)

In the opening scene of The Godfather I analysed the following to tell me about the narrative and content of the film: (click on the picture above to watch the opening sequence)

  • The trumpets played at the beggining created a serious atmosphere and sounded like the typical music played in an Italian-American gangster-thriller film, therefore it indicated the film's genre.

  • Both of the character's accent tells us that they are of an Italian desent and conforms to the stereotype of them being Italian-American gangsters.

  • The silence (apart from the dialogue) and the fact that there was no other background sound created a tense atmosphere and implied that the godfather character has authority and is a potentially dangerous man. However, background digetic music played as soon as the vulnerable man exited the room, decreasing the suspense.

  • The dialogue between the two suggested that the film was about the vulnerable man's want for revenge on those who harmed his daughter, and his and the godfather's relationship as in the dialogue they stress the importance of family, friendship, and loyalty.


  • The low key and dark lighting created a serious and tense atmosphere and gave the godfather an air of enigma and power.

Camera shots, angles, and movement:

  • The initial close-up of the man indicates that he has a purpose and objective in the conversation; requesting for something, and is being put on the spot.

  • The over-the-sholder shot from the godfather creates distance between him and the other man, and shows the long table, implying that the godfather has the higher status and it is the other man who has gone to him for assistance.

  • The tracking and following of the godfather suggests that he is the main character in the film.

  • The high angle shot of the godfather (as shown in the picture below) shows that he has high status and power, which implies that his authority and power will be a large part of the narrative.


  • Costumes: The suits indicate wealth which suggests that wealth will be a theme or part of the narrative.

  • Props: The cat on the godfather's lap is a stereotypical implication of authority and power. The drink that a servant gives the man is also a sign of wealth, and suggests that the man is nervous.

  • Setting: The room also shows signs of wealth through its long mahogamy tables, paintings, large chairs and lampshades etc. It also appears to be part of a larger building or buisness, which tells us that the godfather owns it. His buisness could be part of the narrative as well.

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