Saturday 14 November 2009

Thriller Analysis: Taxi Driver (1976 Martin Scorsese)

(click on the picture for the opening sequence)

Whilst watching the opening sequence of Taxi Driver I was able to analyse the following:


  • The smoke and close-up of the eyes created enigma and the sense of the unkown, typical to a thriller.

  • The loud, raised parts of the music created suspense and tension, which are crucial to thrillers.

  • The shot of the pedestrians walking suggested that the normal citizens would be involved as victims, which is often apparent in thrillers.
  • We are introduced the main character through a close-up of his eyes which gave a shifty and mysterious expression (as shown by the shot below).
  • We can also infer that he is a taxi driver from the shots of the taxi, and how he looks like he is looking out of the front car window at the pedestrians.

Conventions that are present:

  • Tense music

  • Red and black colours used for titles.

  • A night-time setting used to create enigma.

  • A city, urban location where there it is heavily populated, therefore easy to loose someone. (shown in the shot below)

  • A lone character, who will probably be against a system or organization of people.

How it keeps the audiences attention:

  • By only giving one close-up shot of the main characer so that we don't know anything else about him.

  • By the music which continually increases and decreases the tension.

  • By switching between light and dark lighting, creating different atmospheres.

Questions we are left asking:

  • Who is that man?

  • Why is he a taxi driver?

  • Where is he going?

  • Why is he intensley looking out of the window?

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