Sunday 8 November 2009

Thriller Research: What Lies Beneath opening sequence

Whilst watching the openining sequence I was able to analyse the following points:

Title Graphics:
  • 20th Century Fox was in the titles, and it is a big company which suggests that it gave the film a big budget.
  • The title was under water tells the audience that water is significant in the film.
  • The titles were ghost-like, creating an eerie effect and suggesting the film's genre.

  • The high pitched piano created chilling connotations.
  • The discordant off-key note played creates an eerie atmosphere and suggests that something is wrong.
  • The digetic sound of gasping created panick.
  • The silence that exists in the bathroom draws the audience's attention to particular sounds, for example, the hair dryer and gasping. It indicates that she is alone.
  • The focus on the woman during the sequence indicates that she is the main character.
  • The gasping and shock of the woman suggests that she will be a vunerable character.
  • The dark lighting in the water suggests a dark setting.
  • The dark and low key lighting also indicates dark emotions and a sense of anxiety f0r the unknown.
  • Dark murky colours reflect the mood.
  • Blue colours also reflect the water so that the audience infers that water is important.
  • The shot of the window showing the lake tells us she lives near the water.
  • The scary/dead face in the shot before going onto the woman shows a connection between the two.
  • Because the opening sequence is mainly shot in the bathroom, it suggets that something will happen there.
  • We can tell that the woman lives in a big house and is middle class. There is also an indication that she is alone in the house.
Camera Movement:
  • The slow movement of the camera through the water creates suspense, making the audience expect for something to jump out.
  • The focus and close up of the hair dryer suggests that it has an importance.
Keeping our interest: (we ask the following questions)
  • Why is the face underneath the water? What is its significance?
  • Who's face is it?
  • What is the relation between the face and the woman?
  • What is the significance of water?

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