Wednesday 17 March 2010

What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the preliminary task to the full product?

I feel that I have learnt a lot since the preliminary task, developing my camera, mise-en-scene, special effects, transition and sound skills. I have learnt how to use these components to greater depth, and how to use them to create emotions and meanings.

  • Camera
In the preliminary task, we only used basic camera shots and angles and we were not very creative. We only used shots such as mid-shots, long-shots, close-ups, and tracking shots.

However, in our opening sequence, we explored a variety of shots and angles to make it more interesting and to create different emotions.

For example...

We used a tracking shot to follow the girl to create a stalker effect.

We used a low angle shot to show the face of the girl and to shadow the mutant - making him to appear more frightening.

This is a low down close up of the feet running past.

We used point of view shots from the girls to create a blurry and panicking effect.

We used a 360 degree tracking shot to create tension and suspense.

  • Mise-en-scene
In the preliminary task we used a classroom for the location, which was unimaginative. We also did not put any thought into costumes, props or make-up, and there was a continuity fault.

However, for our opening sequence we thought into great detail about the location and what atmosphere it would create. We also thought about the costumes and make-up that would be used for the mutants to try and make it as realistic and obscure as possible. Moreover, we had to take into consideration the lighting as we were using natural light (which can be unpredictable depending on the weather).

For example...

We used a park with a forest as the location as it is sinister and dark, and creates fear of the unknown - therefore creating suspense.

The mutant costumes consisted of dark hooded jumpers with blood stains on the back, ripped jeans, and a muddy bandage on one arm to make them seem frightening and enigmatic. For make-up, they had white powder on there face and red under their eyes to make them appear pale, strange and un-natural.

  • Special Effects
We did not use any special effects for the preliminary task, but for the opening sequence we changed the contrast and the colour of the picture.

For example...

We changed the colour of the first part of the opening sequence to black and white, to show a different moment in time to the rest of the sequence. It also made the atmosphere more sinister.

We also lowered the contrast to make it more eerie and bleak, as the natural light was too bright and would have changed the atmosphere.

  • Transitions
In the preliminary task we only used fades in and out to start and end the sequence. However, during the thriller opening sequence, we developed this and used a lot more to make the sequence flow, using different types 0f transitions for different durations.

For example...

We used a fade black transition for 2.75 seconds to make it flow from each camera shot.

We used cross-fades particularly during high movement to make it flow.

  • Sound
We only used sound from the dialogue from the camera in the preliminary task, and we did not use any non-digetic sound.

However, in the opening sequence we used and manipulated a range of digetic sounds (such as dialogue, screaming, footsteps, heavy breathing, and the sound of the stick running along the railings). We also used non-digetic sounds to create emotions a meaning. For example, when there was a close up of the bag and when the girls were cornered by the mutants, we used a deep tones and low notes to create enigma and to suggest that something is wrong. Once the girls realise that the mutants are not like normal humans, and start to run for the second time, we used an up-tempo drum beat to create panick and urgency.

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