Wednesday 17 March 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?

After using as a reference, I would make the age rating of my thriller film a 15 as it would contain strong violence and language. Also, as the main characters of the film are teenagers, the target audience would also be teenagers and young adults - from age 15 above.

Other films such as The Hole and The Hills Have Eyes would have also been targeted at a young adult audience, who we would like to attract.

You can see from the trailer of The Hole that it is targeted at a young audience, as it stars teenagers from a private school, and they talk about teenage activities such as parties, relationships and alcohol. All of which a young audience can relate to, however, the twist of the plot plays on fears of being trapped in a small space underground. The main similarity bewteen our film and The Hole is that they both have four teenagers as the main characters, which would then attract a teenage audience.

click here to view the trailer

From the trailer of The Hills Have Eyes, you can see that the target audience would be those who are interested in sci-fi thrillers as it is about a small mutated population in a remote region in the USA who try to seek revenge on other "normal" humans. The plot is very similar to ours, as they both involve people born/who have become mutated due to scientific experiments gone wrong, and so they try to seek revenge. Therefore, those who are interested by the hybrid genre and topic of the film, would be also interested in ours.

Click here to view the trailer

The Typical Audience Member...

They would be around 17 years old, as this is the age of the main characters in the film, and the age rating of the film would be a 15.

They would be interested in horror-thriller films as this is the genre of our film.

They would also be interested in the supernatural and science fiction, as our film includes elements of this. For example, they would be interested by the topic of scientific nuclear testing.

Also, they would be aware of government and scientific research issues, as these are part of the plot of our film

They would enjoy watching films such as 28 Days Later, The Hole, The Hills Have Eyes, and Creep, as these are films with a similar plot to ours, and which include similar topics and themes.

They would also watch British independent films, beacause our film would be a British independent film.

This is a picture of a typical audience member, who is 17 years old, is into science-fiction, and wears clothes such as slogan-t shirts with hoodies and jeans.

  • Having a target typical audience member is important for the marketing of the film, as from using certain characteristics of the member, we can create merchandise for the film, and using certain parts of the media that the the audience member uses, we can promote our film.
  • For example, as shown by the example of a typical audience member from above, as he wears slogan t-shirts, we could make slogan t-shirts using the tag-line for our film, creating merchandise.
  • To promote the film, we could put adverts for the film, trailers, and links to the official website onto youtube, (which the audience member goes on frequently) in newspapers and news websites, such as (as the audience member is interested in scientific politics).

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