Saturday 13 March 2010

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

28 Days Later

This film, which has a similar plot to ours (i.e. murderous mutants on a rampage in Britain) was distributed by the major distributor Fox Searchlight, which distributes other independent films, such as Juno, Thirteen and Bend It Like Beckham - all of which are about/star teenagers, which is the same for our film. It would be a major distributor as it is part of the conglomerate News Corporation, and therefore using cross-media convergence, would be able to market and advertise the film across many parts of the media.

Fox Searlight Pictures also distributed the film The Hills Have Eyes, which has a similar plot to ours- it is about humans who have been mutated by scientific experiments, and it has two teenagers as the victims of the films, however, it is set in a deserted town in America. Although one film is produced by a British company, and one by an American company, both The Hills Have Eyes and 28 Days Later can be compared by their content, which shows that they are distributed by Fox Searchlight.

Click here for The Hills Have Eyes trailer

Click here for 28 Days Later trailer

Both use mutants

Both are set in deserted locations

However, as Fox Searchlight Pictures would be too big a company to distribute a film like ours, the company Pathé would be more appropriate as it is smaller and distributes British independent films such as The Hole, which is very similar to ours as it is partly set in a forest location, and has teenage characters.

Click here to view the trailer for The Hole

This is the company logo from the trailer of the film.

This is the forest (the location) of the film, which is similar to our opening sequence location.

These are the two teenage girls of the film, who are the victims (which is the same as our opening sequence).

Pathé also distributed the British independent horror-thriller Creep, which also uses a mutated human, and is set in the deserted underground. As both of the films are similar to our film and would attract the same audience, and it is an independent distribution company, Pathé is ideal to distribute our film.

Click here to view Creep trailer

This is the Pathé logo used in the trailer.

This shot shows the deserted location of the underground.

This is the shot of the mutant from the trailer.

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